Claims Center

When you need to file a claim, we are here. Our claims department is open 24/7 to help you through this trying time.

In the event of a loss, call our toll-free number at 1-866-277-9871 and we will help guide you through the claims process, or you can file a claim online.

The sooner you report your claim to us, especially for water damage or roof damage, the better we can help you navigate through the process and protect your benefits. And beware of contractors who pressure you to sign a contract – if it includes an “Assignment of Benefits” clause, that could result in you losing control of the claims process.

Being ethical, fair, and timely – these are the cornerstones of our claims-handling philosophy. Because we understand that when it comes to your claim, it’s not just about repairing your house, it’s about restoring your home.